Saturday, May 21, 2011

Steve Roberts Pleads Guilty To Drunk Driving

Former drummer for British punk band UK Subs, Steve "Ze Suicide" Roberts pled guilty to drunk driving and driving without due care and attention in court. Roberts, 56, crashed into another car after having a bit too much wine at work. He was more than twice the legal limit when breathalyzed. Roberts told the court he had been suffering from anxiety and depression following a number of incidents, including the death of his brother. He said his dog had passed away and that his mother had been very ill as well.
“In 39 years of driving I have been without incident," Roberts said. "I can’t believe I got to such a low ebb. I left work in tears because it was all too much. I want to turn my life around and be the responsible citizen I have been for the past 56 years.”
His license has been suspended for 17 months and he's been ordered to pay a total of £950 ($1352) in fines and costs, including £700 ($996) towards the other driver’s car.

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