Saturday, May 21, 2011

Ringo Partners With Make-A-Wish & Hard Rock

Thursday morning, 17-year-old drummer and brain cancer survivor Alexx Kipp got to meet his idol: Beatles' backbeat Ringo Starr. This had been Kipp's life-long dream and thanks to the Make-A-Wish Foundation and the Hard Rock International restaurant chain, it finally came true. Starr shared the stage with talented teen and suprised him with a black and white set of Ludwigs.
“You like those drums?” Starr asked Kipp.
“Hell, yeah!” beamed the young drummer.
“They’re yours,” Starr told him.
Kipp’s next musical endeavor will be learning how to play “I Am the Walrus” on his new set. Now he'll be practicing on a kit christened by the man who inspired him.

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