Friday, May 13, 2011

Response Custom Drums Opens Shop In Wisconsin

You’ve got to love small custom drum builders. They invest sweat and passion into every sparkle they blow onto a shell, install throw-offs with the solemnity of a sage, and keep the entire industry on its toes with ideas that at first seem wacky and within years become standard issue. Such is the case with Response Custom Drums, a little shop based out of La Crosse, Wisconsin that recently came to our attention. Response was founded in 2009 by craftsman Travis Hagen, who proudly shouts the custom maker’s rallying cry: “We offer anything from Keller Maple shells to exotic stave shells, acrylic, hybrid, and everything in between,” while promising unlimited ideas and techniques for the discerning drummer. What’s more, Hagen says, “When designing the drums, the client will be working directly with the person building the drum, helping the drummer find the exact sound and look they desire.” Can’t beat that. Call Travis at 920-284-4945 and be ready to hang on the phone for a while.

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