Monday, May 16, 2011

Need Love? What drummer doesn’t? Zildjian to the rescue with the Zildjian Drummer Love Contest. With a little help from co-sponsors Converse, DRUM! Magazine, and Robert Downs Photography, the company is looking for great drummers in garages, basements, small clubs, and practice spaces across America. Zildjian wants to highlight the up-and-coming, and the local kids and older drummers who pump out great rhythms for the love of music, and shine a spotlight on them.
The contest divides the country into six regions. Drummers can submit videos of themselves or their bands by going to the entry page. There they'll find instructions on how to enter and upload their video and bio to Youtube.
Submissions will be reviewed by a team of judges headed up by world-renowned drummers, Kenny Aronoff, Tommy Lee, and ?uestlove. Twelve finalists will battle head to head for votes from their fans to be crowned the winner of their region. The six winners will get a dream prize pack from ZildjianConverseRobert Downs Photography, and DRUM! Magazine.
Then Zildjian and Robert Downs will hit the road this summer to visit each winner for a pro photo shoot and interview with DRUM! Magazine, to appear in future issues.
Give it. Get it. Zildjian Drummer Love. For more details, and to submit your video and story, go to

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